Friday, September 27, 2024

Genetically engineered bacteria solve computational problems – Physics World

Genetically engineered bacteria solve computational problems...

Dead coral skeletons hinder reef regeneration by sheltering seaweed

The structural complexity of coral reefs...

This exoplanet circling a dead star may mirror Earth’s fate — if our planet survives a dying sun, that is

AstronomyThis exoplanet circling a dead star may mirror Earth's fate — if our planet survives a dying sun, that is

A planetary system anchored by a dead white dwarf star, located around 4,000 light-years away, has offered astronomers a possible glimpse into what our sun and Earth could look like in around 8 billion years. 

However, this would only be Earth’s future if our planet manages to survive the sun’s eventual transformation into a swollen red giant. This transformation is expected to happen around 5 billion to 6 billion years from now, when the sun finally exhausts its fuel supply needed for nuclear fusion. That red giant phase will see the sun swell up to around the orbit of Mars, swallowing Mercury, Venus — and maybe Earth, too. After this, the sun would become a smoldering white dwarf, just like the one seen in the observed planetary system.

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