Saturday, September 7, 2024

AASWomen Newsletter for February 9, 2024

AstronomyAASWomen Newsletter for February 9, 2024

AAS Committee on the Status of Women
Issue of February 9, 2024
eds: Jeremy Bailin, Nicolle Zellner, Sethanne Howard, and Hannah Jang-Condell

[We hope you all are taking care of yourselves and each other. –eds.]

This week’s issues:
1. Celebrating Black in STEM – Part 1
2. AAS Announces Honors
3. Help Protect Funding for Astronomical Sciences
4. Herschel Medal Awarded to Roberta Humphreys
5. Other Astronomy Prizes Awarded 
6. Passion, curiosity and perseverance: my mission to capture women in science on camera
7. Soapbox Science’s 2024 speaker call is NOW OPEN!  
8. How to Submit to the AASWomen Newsletter
9. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWomen Newsletter
10. Access to Past Issues of the AASWomen Newsletter

An online version of this newsletter will be available at at 3:00 PM ET every Friday.

1. Celebrating Black in STEM
From: Nicolle Zellner via

Since 1976, every American president has officially designated February as Black History Month, a celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time to acknowledge and recognize their central role in American history. The annual event grew out of “Negro History Week”, initiated by historian and civil rights leader Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. 

Organizations that support scientists in astronomy and physics have provided resources, guidance, and advice for advancing the careers of Black astronomers and physicists. 


2. AAS Announces Honors
From: Jeremy Bailin []

The AAS announced the winners of the Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award poster competition. Undergraduate and graduate students were recognized. 

Read more and see the list at 

The AAS has also announced its newest class of AAS Fellows.

Read more and see the list at

3. Help Protect Funding for Astronomical Sciences
From: Jeremy Bailin []

Call your congresspeople now to ask for support to fund NASA, NSF, and Department of Energy’s Office of Science to protect these agencies from severe budget cuts and let them know how important federal funding is for the astronomical sciences in the United States. 

Right now, Congress is negotiating federal spending levels for Fiscal Year 2024. This is a critical moment to ensure that the agencies we support get the highest level of funding they need to make progress on the priorities in the astronomical decadal surveys. A decrease in federal spending would delay missions, create workforce shortages in critical science and technologies, and impede efforts to include researchers, students, and other STEM workers of the future from all backgrounds.

Read more and access a submission form at 

4. Herschel Medal Awarded to Roberta Humphreys
From: Sethanne Howard []

Roberta Humphreys, Professor Emerita at the University of Minnesota and a member of the 1972 AAS Steering Committee of the Working Group on the Status of Women in Astronomy, has been awarded the 2024 Herschel Medal by the Royal Astronomical Society, for “her discovery of the empirical upper luminosity boundary for the most massive stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram”.

Read more at 

5. Other Astronomy Prizes Awarded
From: Sethanne Howard []

Marcia Rieke (University of Arizona) has received the Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, for her “groundbreaking contributions to astronomical research at [infrared] wavelengths”.

Read more at 

Conny Aerts (KU Leuven, Belgium) and her colleagues were awarded the the Crafoord Prize in Astronomy, “for developing the methods of asteroseismology and their application to the study of the interior of the Sun and of other stars”.


6. Passion, curiosity and perseverance: my mission to capture women in science on camera
From: Jeremy Bailin []

By Josie Glausiusz

Genetics researcher Elisabetta Citterio explains why she felt compelled to photograph 57 women who work in STEM fields.

Read more at 

7. Soapbox Science’s 2024 speaker call is NOW OPEN!
From: Jeremy Bailin []

Are you a woman, non-binary or genderqueer person who works in science and who is passionate about your research? Are you eager to talk to the general public about your work in a fun, informal setting?  If so, then Soapbox Science needs YOU! We are looking for scientists in all areas of STEMM, from PhD students to Professors, and from entry-level researchers to entrepreneurs, to take part in this grassroots science outreach project.

Learn more, including how to apply, at

8. How to Submit to the AASWOMEN newsletter

To submit an item to the AASWOMEN newsletter, including replies to topics, send email to .

All material will be posted unless you tell us otherwise, including your email address.

When submitting a job posting for inclusion in the newsletter, please include a one-line description and a link to the full job posting.

Please remember to replace “_at_” in the e-mail address above.

9. How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the AASWOMEN newsletter

Join AAS Women List through the online portal:

To Subscribe, go to and enter your name and email address, and click Subscribe. You will be sent an email with a link to click to confirm subscription.

To unsubscribe from AAS Women by email:

Go to , in the “My account and unsubscriptions”, type your email address. You will receive an email with a link to access your account, from there you can click the unsubscribe link for this mailing list.

10. Access to Past Issues 

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