Saturday, July 27, 2024


How do electromagnetic waves carry information about objects they interact with? – Physics World

How do electromagnetic waves carry information about objects they interact with? – Physics World ...

Black Holes Can’t Be Created by Light

July 26, 2024• Physics 17, 119The formation of a black hole from light alone is permitted by general relativity, but a new...

‘You’re probably going to be working for over 40 years, so make sure you enjoy what you do’ – Physics World

Ask me anything: Andrew Weld: 'You're probably going to be working for over 40 years, so make sure you enjoy what you do'...

Zap Energy targets fusion power without magnets, Claudia de Rham on the beauty of gravity – Physics World

Zap Energy targets fusion power without magnets, Claudia de Rham on the beauty of gravity – Physics World ...

“What one trillion dollar problem will AI solve?” – Business Analysts Ask

We’ve all heard how artificial intelligence will supposedly bring giant boosts in productivity, take our jobs, and end humanity, but some business insiders...

Iterative Process Builds Near-Perfect Atom Array

July 25, 2024• Physics 17, s93Researchers show that atoms that escape from an atom array can be replaced on the fly—an important...

Could humans run on water? – Physics World

Could humans run on water? – Physics World ...

Americans Sue to Remain Misinformed

Several universities in the United States have launched research programs on the spread of misinformation on social media. They’ve been repeatedly sued by...

Toy Robots Mimic Swimming Algae

July 24, 2024• Physics 17, s81How an alga synchronizes its two flapping cilia to propel itself is revealed in a tabletop experiment...

detector advances open up the ultrahigh-energy frontier – Physics World

Cosmic-ray physics: detector advances open up the ultrahigh-energy frontier – Physics World ...