Saturday, September 7, 2024

Friday links: the piranha principle, and more

EcologyFriday links: the piranha principle, and more

Also this week: NIH vs. replication, science vs. hiking, and more. Also, Jeremy is traveling, so comment moderation will be slow.

From Jeremy:

Tosh et al. (in press) explain the “piranha principle”–the fact that it’s mathematically impossible for many different explanatory variables to all have large effects on the same dependent variable. I’ve been looking forward to a paper on this. I’ve read Andrew Gelman’s posts on this topic with great interest, but I’ve never fully grokked what he was getting at. Now I get it. Now I’m thinking about how to apply these results to ecology.

NIH will now fund replication studies–but in a weird way that rather defeats the whole purpose.

Infidelity among r-strategists. I am willing to excuse the stretching of the meaning of “r-strategist,” because the joke is funny. 🙂

“Your interest in evolutionary biology is ruining our hikes, Sharon.” 🙂

Yup. 🙂 It would be interesting to try to add to this list. Also, I am pleased to take this opportunity to humble-brag that I know (one leading hypothesis about) the original meaning of “Pop goes the weasel.”

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About Jeremy Fox

I’m an ecologist at the University of Calgary. I study population and community dynamics, using mathematical models and experiments.

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