Sunday, September 8, 2024

Researchers determine molecular interactions in plants

Plant scientists have long known that...

Five lessons to level up conservation successfully

Conservation needs to scale successfully to...

Opening the High Frontier of space can be different than our previous expansion efforts

NASAOpening the High Frontier of space can be different than our previous expansion efforts

As we move closer to the greatest revolution of all time, the opening of the High Frontier of space to humanity, some assert this is somehow a bad thing. Based on inaccurate understandings of history and misplaced projections of those misunderstood times to the future, they are spreading ridiculous and possibly dangerous ideas that what is happening in what I call the Space Revolution is a repeat of the conquests and colonization of history. Wrong. Aside from the fact that we are not taking space from anyone, this time, for the first time, if we do it right, we have the chance to give it to everyone.

In the movements and expansion of civilizations and peoples of the past, it has often been the case that, as one group expanded, it was at the cost of another. We have been driven in the past by changes in climate, the pressures of our populations, the collapse of our economies, the oppression of our ideas and beliefs, or the greed of those with a lot of stuff to gather more stuff under their control. Societies have also been forced to move to new lands by the movements of others being driven by others moving into their own, and so on. 

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